Freedom Summer Black History Quiz – Test Your Knowledge

Written by

Enid Gaddis

Published on

July 25, 2015

Black History:  Special Delivery!!

... . The 1964 voter registration campaign was known as Freedom Summer

Freedom Summer (also known as the Mississippi Summer Project) was a campaign in the United States launched in June 1964!  Take the PBS Black History quiz and test your knowledge on Freedom Summer and it’s impact on the Civil Rights Movement.  The questions are challenging!  I consider myself to be pretty But if you take the quiz, you are sure to learn a lot!  I did awful :).  But I learned a TON!

Click on the link below to take the quiz:

Let me know how you did!  No cheating.  Don’t try to google the answers. 🙂


  • Three of my grandchildren are mixed race. Four, when I add the one who is part Hispanic. Most of the kids graduating hs know nothing about history period. I have always felt it to be important to know where you come from. Since there so many more mixed race kids is even more important. Thank you BTW for coming to Jamie’s blog. It is a labor of love for me. I have a 2nd blog at Watch and Whirl. Much more variety.

    • You are so correct. There is so much about our history that is not being passed down. I have done lots of study on Freedom Summer. It was a key point in our history. Are you familiar with “Wednesdays In Mississippi”? It also occurred during this time. I’m going to write about it this week. Thank you for commenting. I love getting feedback! Just started the blog a week ago. But I have been sharing black history facts for years. There is so much we don’t know.

      • Good luck with your blog! Anything along the lines of what I do I’ll send on. I am also about educating people because so many bare clueless We need to stop the power they have of incarcerating and killing every black man they can find with a smugness that angers me. ” I was afraid for my life and thought he had a knife so I had to beat the crap out of a man in a wheelchair who had cerebral palsy.” And 3 people watched! On my facebook page I share a lot of this as well as posts.

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